Training magazine, October 2022, looked at myths about mentoring.

Myth #1: You have to have a plan Mentorship doesn’t have to be a formal process. Consider having coffee and conversation with your mentee every week. Sharing your experience is the most important thing you can do for your mentee.

Myth #2: You have to know everything Don’t be afraid to share the biggest mistake you ever made (and how you learned from it). When you demonstrate transparency, your mentee will feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their own experiences.

Myth #3: Age matters Modern mentors need to be able to offer up a fresh perspective and great advice while acting as a sounding board. Reverse mentoring, for example, pairs older executives with younger employees for coaching on topics such as technology and social media. We all can learn from each other.

Myth #4: It is time-consuming In reality, you probably won’t even notice the time you spend in a mentoring relationship, especially if you are flexible on timing. A quick phone call from a mentee seeking advice for an immediate business challenge is as invaluable (perhaps more) as a long in-person chat.
5 myths about mentoring

Myth #5: You have to fix every problem It’s tempting to keep your mentee from making mistakes, but it’s often more valuable to give advice and let them act, even if it’s not exactly what you would do. Remember, you are there to advise and allow them space to learn by doing.

Michael Moran

Michael is CEO and Founder of 10Eighty. He is passionate about helping people maximise their potential and believes everyone should have job satisfaction and a successful career. He helps organisations design jobs and career paths that maximise employee engagement. As an avid reader/commentator on the world of work and sport, he regularly draws parallels between the two. You could describe Michael as a budding author with “The Guide to Everlasting Employability” already under his belt, and technophile who’s created 2 career management apps to help people manage their careers.


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