Team building

Liz Sebag-Montefiore is quoted in Hospitality and Events North on Team building and how employers can work effectively with their workforce with some at home and some in the office.

Liz believes that organisations who promote team building and collaboration will have workforces who are more productive and more motivated. 

Read the full article here.


10Eighty is a boutique, specialist provider of career coaching based in the UK. All of our clients are unique, and so our services are tailored to their individual needs. 10Eighty helps individuals to maximise their potential and helps organisations to harness that potential. We are experts in developing leadership capability and helping organisations increase employee engagement. Our service offerings include: Career Transition/Outplacement, Executive Coaching, Career Management, Leadership and Management Development and Team Effectiveness

playing to strengths

Was Southgate too concerned about England’s weaknesses rather than playing to strengths?

Something that experts in a whole range of fields have in common is this that they never stop learning and we should play to our strengths.

quiet quitting

Why is there an epidemic of “quiet quitting”?

Quiet quitting is working only to do the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary.


Change and why we should embrace it

Change is inevitable, and even when it’s a welcome change, it can be difficult to handle. We discuss why it’s important to embrace change.

work life balance

The importance of supporting work life balance

Why it’s important to support work life balance as discussed by CEO Michael Moran.

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