Happy New Year, here are 10Eighty’s top tips for managing your career in 2020:

1 – Review the last 12 months to decide what you most enjoyed doing so that you can arrange to do more of the same; and look at what caused you frustration and irritation to see if you can minimise those aspects of your work.

2 – Revisit your career plan and if you don’t have one then write a plan for the next 12-18 months. If you do have a plan then take a good look at how close you are to achieving your objectives and set some targets for the year.

3 – Segment your LinkedIn network, this will mean you can target your networking activities more efficiently. Next ensure that your 50 key contacts are on message with your plans, send them all a New Year email with best wishes and arrange to meet up with each of them in the first quarter of 2020.

4 – Resolve to be nice in 2020. Help people when you can, look out for your contacts and pass on news or information that will be useful to them. Say thank you to people and let them know that you appreciate them.

5 – Decide on a skill you are interested in and work out how to develop that skill and spend more time working with that skill.

6 – Ask for feedback, ask what do people like about you and what you do and then ask what they think you should work on.

7 – Identify someone who looks like you on LinkedIn, someone in a similar job to you, either in the same or a different industry, and reach out to them; see if you can arrange to do some peer to peer mentoring.

8 – Review your LinkedIn profile, revisit your skills endorsements, make sure they are appropriate and align with what you are telling your network about your plans and aspirations. Ask for endorsements.

9 – Take 2 hours a week and devote the time to personal development, it can be work related or personal time, but it should be down time, when you relax and do something you enjoy.

10 – Make sure that every month you do at least one item of professional development work to ensure you appreciate as an asset, that you are enhancing your employability.

To speak with our friendly team about managing your career , call us on 0207 947 4130 or email info@10Eighty.co.uk

Michael Moran

Michael is CEO and Founder of 10Eighty. He is passionate about helping people maximise their potential and believes everyone should have job satisfaction and a successful career. He helps organisations design jobs and career paths that maximise employee engagement. As an avid reader/commentator on the world of work and sport, he regularly draws parallels between the two. You could describe Michael as a budding author with “The Guide to Everlasting Employability” already under his belt, and technophile who’s created 2 career management apps to help people manage their careers.

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