It’s inevitable, and even when it’s welcome, it can be difficult to handle. Once we learn to look for the advantages in change, to explore that the rewards that making the change may bring, and accept that it could become the new normal, we adapt and engage.

There are plenty of reasons to try to be more change-capable. The status quo may be comfortable, but its part of learning, growing and developing both personally and professionally.

  • It’s what helps us grow, when we have to cope, we use all our strengths and resources to make things happen. We find out how capable we are when put to the test. Embrace change and challenge yourself, and you will increase confidence in your own abilities. Coping well with it will boost your confidence.
  • Status quo, routine, ‘it’s always been done that way’ make your comfort zone seem like a safe place to stay, but we know that success calls for adaptability. Change may seem overwhelming and something of a threat, but it is going to come, if not now then sometime soon. Lean in to making changes, let go of your comfort zone and become more flexible. Adaptability is a positive trait and one which can bring valuable rewards.
  • In avoiding change, we simply repeat the same patterns and routines. Embracing it opens endless vistas of improved performance, productivity, creativity and satisfaction. Even small changes can make a big difference.
  • As we learn to be open to and receptive of change, we start to look for changes that will bring further improvements. Being change capable makes us motivated to seek out what else can be done, what else we can achieve. Confidence around coping with change is good for your motivation and offers new perspectives on your approach to work and life.
  • Coping with change often means dealing with challenging situations or a new environment. To do this, we may have to develop new skills and sharpen our capabilities. Change offers an excellent reason to learn, develop and add to our employability. By embracing it, you open yourself up to new learning opportunities.
  • Don’t allow yourself to become set in your ways, it’s all too easy to see things from a single perspective. Move out of your comfort zone, and be open to a variety of situations and conditions – learn to see things from different perspectives.
  • When you are open to it, then the likelihood is that change will open up more opportunities for you. Instead of being apprehensive about a projected change, you will be eager to find where you can facilitate the it, where you can benefit from it, and how to make it work for you.

When you are change-capable, others will see your willingness and enthusiasm, putting you at an advantage when new opportunities arise. If you are open-minded, adaptable, flexible, resourceful and receptive to change, you are likely to find new opportunities open up for you.

Embrace it

See change as a positive, it may still be a challenging prospect, but take on board the fact that it can be good for us, although it still doesn’t always mean it’s easy to step out of your comfort zone.

Once you learn to embrace it, you are better placed to move forward in terms of learning, growth, and personal and professional development. It might be a tiny step forward that changes the world for you.

Liz Sebag-Montefiore

Liz Sebag-Montefiore is a Co-Founder and Director of 10Eighty. With over 15 years of business experience, I have an extensive and impressive blue chip client base. I have worked with numerous firms working in partnership with the client to understand their needs. My current role involves managing relationships with clients, developing new business, and coaching individuals in their career. I really enjoy meeting new people and have strong client relationship and networking skills. I am passionate about coaching as a means to motivate individual performance and believe that proactive career coaching will set direction, bolster employee engagement and self-confidence.

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