

FTSE 250 Plc whose prime function is supplying goods and services to the Ministry of Defence. A specialist in counter terrorism within the aerospace and defence sectors.

The Programme

The Programme commenced in August with individual assessments and one to one coaching.  The programme spanned  a total of 9 months. The foundation stones of the programme were 3 face to face workshops. These ran over 4 days and were hosted in different locations globally. At the final workshop, individuals presented the project work which formed part of the 9 months and which was based around live business challenges with sponsors drawn from the senior team.

After the end of the programme, individuals continued to work with a mentor from the business as well supporting the future cohorts of Emerging Leaders and taking a role in other leadership development initiatives globally.

Programmes Elements

Outside of the workshops, there were a number  of different elements of the programme.

  • One to one coaching: With one of 2 external facilitators, each of whom is a trained and experienced executive coach.  Participants met with their coach before the first workshop and then a further 3 times, one to one, to work on their own specific development requirements. Sessions were participant led and there was an option to continue coaching after the end of the programme which some participants did engage with.
  • Action Learning Groups: Working in small groups with other Emerging Leader participants, these sessions took a real challenge that one or more of the group were facing and worked on creating a solution together.  These sessions were facilitated by one of the external facilitation team, who coached the group in the moment to help develop team working and problem-solving skills.
  • Business projects: In small groups working with a project lead from the business, participants took a real and current business challenge and worked to craft a solution.  Projects were be presented back to the full leadership team in April 2019.
  • Mentoring: As the formal programme ended in April 2019, participants continued to work with a mentor from the business to support their ongoing development.  Participants also had the opportunity to become a mentor for future Emerging Leader participants and for other leadership development programmes as part of the global development framework.


Of the 21 participants on the programme, 19 finished all elements.  Of these, 9 were coached by Joan O’Connor who also led a number of the Action Learning Groups and a session during the first face to face module.  Of the 19 participants who finished the programme, 11 have been promoted to more senior roles and 3 are part of the talent pipeline for our most senior roles in the business.

At the start of the programme, the  share price was 180 and today it is 290.

To learn more about the interventions used and the outcomes of this project, click below.

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