
This was the finding of a Personio and Opinium survey last year – 38% of employees were planning to leave their jobs in the next six months to a year. While a US survey reported that 42% of employees would resign if their company didn’t offer remote working options long term.

The job market currently favours candidates, those with in-demand skills likely won’t have to wait long to find a new opportunity. Many companies are starting to expand staffing levels again and holding on to valued employees is something of a challenge.

Obviously, the organisation has to ensure that salaries, bonuses and benefits are competitive but in the current market it’s smart to offer good training and development opportunities alongside wellness initiatives and feedback/mentoring programmes. Work-life balance is increasingly important and flexible working arrangements are pretty much a given for most professionals.

There will be leavers

For one reason or another some of your team will leave; it is inevitable. Make sure they leave your organisation knowing they are valued and appreciated, you want them to say good things about you – after all, some of them may become customers and others may, perhaps, come back to work for you in the future.

Where possible you want to retain your top talent and prevent good people from leaving, especially where their issues can be addressed. The answer lies in career development, in enabling employees to plot a career path and in particular building the skills that support the organisational development plan. Critical to employee retention is the career conversation, this is predicated on understanding the employee’s career aspirations and then putting in place development initiatives to help them achieve their objectives.

Ensure you create an attractive workplace culture and robust employee relations. This is important because the pandemic means employees are examining their values and the sort of relationship they want with their employer; you need to offer roles that use their skill sets in the ways that they want.

What can be done?

A well-prepared organisation will institute effective upskilling and reskilling efforts to ensure that they are able to recruit those with adequate skills to fill high-quality, tailored roles. It is important to efficiently identify the skills needed to facilitate career moves that align with strategic organisational objectives.

Look to build and environment where employees can learn in a way that suits their preferences, enable continuous learning and career development so all workers can maximise their potential. It’s win-win strategy that will enhance organizational capability and create a workplace where the team strive for excellence.

Creativity, curiosity and critical thinking are human aptitudes that artificial intelligence can’t yet replicate; these skills are crucial in developing a culture where people want to continue to learn, grow and upskill. A culture that will give you a competitive advantage in challenging times.



Liz Sebag-Montefiore

Liz Sebag-Montefiore is a Co-Founder and Director of 10Eighty. With over 15 years of business experience, I have an extensive and impressive blue chip client base. I have worked with numerous firms working in partnership with the client to understand their needs. My current role involves managing relationships with clients, developing new business, and coaching individuals in their career. I really enjoy meeting new people and have strong client relationship and networking skills. I am passionate about coaching as a means to motivate individual performance and believe that proactive career coaching will set direction, bolster employee engagement and self-confidence.

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